Saturday, June 14, 2014
Friday, May 9, 2014
I AM SO EXCITED to share with you guys that my visa application was APPROVED! (Ye-hey!)
Okay I’m going
to start writing now but don’t know where to start. Phew it’s really hard to
write a story. Anyway, if you have read my previous blogs, you already know
that I was being delayed for two months because I
failed, oops not the right term…well because they saw something on my X-ray during
my medical exam at Saint Luke last January 22, 2014 and I need to undergo
Sputum Exam and Culture Test for 2 months. I thanked God that the result was
**This is spousal visa experience (CR1) and MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE**
My interview Date Schedule:
May 08, 2014, Thursday at 6:30 AMREAD THIS FIRST! (SPOUSE VISA FEES ONLY)
$535, effective 12 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, December 23, 2016. (OLD FEE:$420)
Affidavit of Support Review (only when reviewed domestically) AOS FEE
$120, effective 12 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, December 23, 2016. (OLD FEE:$85)
$445, effective 12 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, December 23, 2016. (OLD FEE:$325)
Php 16,042.50 (IN PESOS CURRENCY)
$322.46, effective 12 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, December 23, 2016. (OLD FEE:$230)
$322.46, effective 12 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, December 23, 2016. (OLD FEE:$230)
$220, effective 12 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, December 23, 2016. (OLD FEE:$165)
DOCUMENTS that I had prepared:
- I-864 FORM
- I-864A FORMS (Co-sponsor)
- 1040 ITRs FOR 2011-2013 (Co-sponsor)
- W-2s FOR 2011-2013 (Co-sponsor)
- PAY STUBS (Co-sponsor)
- NOA1
- NOA2
- 2X2 VISA PHOTO (They did not ask for it)
(courtesy of
*click for ENLARGE PHOTO*
*click for ENLARGE PHOTO*
Preview of inside the US Embassy:
REMINDERS ONLY: Just like in visa process, speed range varies on case to case basis so remember that every interview is different. We REALLY don't know what documents they will going to ask you but its better to be prepared than sorry so make sure that all your documents is ready.
Alright, Are you now ready to continue reading the details of my interview experience??? if so, well let me thank you first for your time spent reading. Okay you can go further. ^___*
The day before my interview I headed to Bayview Park Hotel for check in. (My reservations was made by my husband via expedia online a few weeks ago). I was not alone at Hotel, Maricel Lara was with me because I told her that she can share the room with me. She's a fiance visa applicant and we're the same date of interview. As as arrived I was so disappointed with the Hotel. (I wont go on further because its not the main thing of this story but I can say that hotel for me was less enjoyable but I can assured that their FOOD was GREAT! I'm not saying this to create bad review but I am just being honest and THIS IS MY OPINION ONLY)
Anyway, When there, we went to the deck of hotel for swimming just to relax a bit.(There's a swimming pool inside the hotel that free to use and a gym). After that we went outside to McDonald's for dinner. And when we got back at hotel, its about around 11 pm. I reviewed my docs first and putting away some docs that I thought was not needed. (because folder was so heavy for me to carry). Then I headed to bed to get some sleep. BUT, I CANT SLEEP! Not because I was so nervous and excited... (of course I am nervous in some way that's normal feeling) but because I've experiencing an extreme pain inside my left ear and headache. (A few days ago I cleaned my ear using metal then afterwards I felt unbearable pain,my fault!). I tried to sleep but hell, not even a single second succeed. I was so sleepy but pain was so intense that made me cried for awhile. When I cant take it anymore... I called the front desk and asked some medicines and then they delivered it to me after a few minutes. (oh, good thing that hotel has available medicines and on call duty doctor, not bad at all) I took 3 Advil ibuprofen tablets altogether.(I paid 60 pesos for 3 tablets). Then a few minutes I felt that medicines was effective, pain was less. Finally I can sleep but for just one hour because it was already 3 am and my alarm clock was set at 4 am.
THE BIG DAY! Can you imagine how sleepy and tired I am that I was feeling so lazy to get up when my alarm clock rang. But, I need to, I have to, its for the one you love. (yay!) So at 4 am I was like a robot lol and I just had a half bath because I knew its not healthy to do that for a person that was lack of sleep or should I say no sleep. Haha!
The hotel where I was stayed not far from US Embassy, in fact just across the street but really need to walk a few steps to the place where applicants forming a line. (When you go there and will see a tent that's where the starting point for the line) I arrived there around 5:30 am. (My preparations for myself was time consumed because I was so really slow.) I was wearing a simple blue dress. (See the pic below)
I was so amazed that many people are already waiting to get in line. In fact when I got there, the 6:15 am appointment applicants was about to enter the USEM. One girl was said Hi dhazzel to me (I was surprised because I didn't know her but then I found out later it was Marsha Delos Santos, a member of one group I was in. I saw some of my friends at FB, Noelyn Belvestre, NiSam Arreis, and GlennMel Hernandez Combs. They're all nice I seated next to them but didn't know line for K1 (Non Immigrant) and CR1 (Immigrant) was separate. Thanks to those fixers, one of them ask me if I'm immigrant then assisted me to another line. (Just expect that those fixers will come to you and ask lots of things, like if you have gadgets etc they will tell you that they can carry it for awhile for 200 pesos each)
I rented chair for 30 pesos because I was felt so weak due to lack of sleep. Then one fixer asked me if I have a ball pen, I actually had but she mentioned that sign pen wasn't allowed. Oh that's my pen so just to be safe I bought a ball pen for 20 pesos (but I did not even used it there, no need unless your appointment was made online and you need to sign a form where to ship the visa package and for the note, sign pen is allowed)
FOOD ARE NOT ALLOWED (There is food stand inside)
Then after awhile of sitting in the rented chair, I heard one guard shouting... he said, We will not honor the line in that chair! So I have no choice but to stand and wait for their instructions. Finally, the guard called the immigrant applicants to form a line. It was a long line.. I was so fascinated that many were applying to go in the USA. So while in the line you need to prepare your PASSPORT and APPOINTMENT LETTER. The USEM staff will get it before you get inside. They will put your passport in a plastic bag also put a sticker on it and will check your appointment letter then afterwards will get it back to you. After that you can go inside and you will be asked to drop your things to scanner and you will be checked by the security guard first. Inside there are 3 windows. Give your appointment letter in any windows then the staff will give you number and will return your appointment letter but don't worry you will be instructed where to go. At 6:41 am, I was inside USEM.
*PHOTO above was the given number to me*
I got number 6176. (don't lose the number or better memorize it because it will be your number to be flashed on screen) I was instructed to go to door 2 and give the appointment letter to window 39 (don't forget that you need to give the appointment letter first to that window because if not,you wont be called). I don't know where the door 2 is I just followed other applicants but was attentive to what door number and window. The interview inquiry staff got my appointment letter before I can go through and I was instructed to wait for my number to be flashed on screen. As the number flashed, I need to go back inside, door no. 2 then I need to be checked by the guard and headed to the assigned window.
While waiting I felt that it is my longest wait i had in my life... so be prepared because you will be test how patience you are in waiting. haha! I think its almost one hour before my number flashed on screen. When I saw that my number flashed, I immediately run inside. (As usual you will be checked by the guard first inside and you will ask to give your bag for security purposes). Step 1, was finger scanning. You need to state your name and birthday. My assigned window was 42. It was American Screener.
ME: Good morning sir
American S: What number?
ME: 6176
American S: What's your name?
ME: Dhazzel D. Silvaroli
American S: When is your birthday?
ME: (Was freeze a moment,trying to remember my birthday, the consul was just smiled at me) September 02, 1985
American S: Place your left four finger at scanner
ME: (put five fingers lol I didn't hear him say four, I was so tensed!)
American S: (Laughed) Place your left four finger at scanner
ME: (now I HEARD him lol) I put the left four finger at scanner.
American S: Place your right four finger at scanner
ME: I put the right four finger at scanner.
American S: Place your left and right thumb at scanner
ME: I put my left and right thumb but having hard time doing it
American S: (He laughed again) Okay, you can have a seat and wait again for your number to be called.
ME: Thank you Sir.
I went outside because the chairs inside USEM was all occupied. (Oh outside waiting area has big fans to help a bit comfortable while sitting and don't forget you can always sit down in any vacant chair) I saw Maricel Lara and I seated next to her. After 20 minutes, my number showed up on screen "6176 47" (6176 was my number and 42 was the assigned window) Step 2, was Pre Screening. The Pre Screener was a young filipina (I guess she's 19-23 age range) She was actually friendly. She asked for my Passport, Birth Certificate,Marriage Certificate, NBI and Affidavit of Support documents like I-864, I-864a Forms, 1040 ITR's 2011-2013, W-2s for 2011-2013, Pay Stubs, Employment Letter and Explanation Letter & accompanying evidences. But she returned the Pay Stubs, 1040 ITR's 2013, Employment Letter and Explanation Letter. I thought to myself, Did she knows what she's doing...I was panicking why she's returning the most important documents of my cosponsor. But I remained silent and kept following her. Then she asked me few questions:
Pre Screener: When did you got married?
ME: March 16,2013
Pre Screener: Have you ever been out of country?
ME: No
Pre Screener: Did you meet in person?
ME: haha funny because she already knows we're married but then I responded to her question, I said YES.
Pre Screener: How many times he visited you?
ME: twice
ME: haha funny because she already knows we're married but then I responded to her question, I said YES.
Pre Screener: How many times he visited you?
ME: twice
Pre Screener: How many live in household?
ME: Including me, 4 persons
ME: Including me, 4 persons
Pre Screener: Okay, you may have a seat and wait at the waiting area for your number to be called
ME: Thank you.
ME: Thank you.
REMINDERS AGAIN: Just answers what necessary questions.
I went outside again for same reason that chairs inside USEM are all occupied. But when I reached the chair my number suddenly flashed on screen I was wondering why but still not moving. It flashed over and over that my number was the only visible number on screen. Until I heard a voice calling my attention and mentioned my name on speaker. I run fast as I could and was worrying what's the problem. The young Filipina Pre Screneer said, Oh sorry but you need to pay the Visa Fee of 230$ (10, 350 php) in the second floor window 15. As I heard her, I was relieved. (I need to exit then enter the door 1 and get inside the elevator to bring me where the cashier is, 2nd floor.) After I paid the Visa Fee, I was seated in waiting area.
If you are wondering why I had payment made at USEM, its because my case was expedited and we SKIP NVC means OUR CASE was NO LONGER IN NVC (No need to submit the necessary documents and no need to make payments at NVC)
I had butterflies in my stomach. I was felt uneasy knowing some of my affidavit of support was returned to me. I was so nervous and I was whispering a prayer to God. After I prayed, I was a bit calmed knowing that God won't let me down and my confidence in God helps me felt better because I am assured that His favor was already given to me. I have met a lady there while waiting. (I forgot her name) She's a spousal visa applicant like me and her case was over a year now. She's undergone sputum/culture tests too. We had a short conversation that kills a bit the boredom. Finally, My number flashed again "6176 66". Step 3, Interview with American Consul. I thought to myself, This is it. The Moment of truth. (I was so nervous of all sudden) As I walked towards the window I was saying a prayers again. I reached window 66 where American Consul was waiting for me. He was handsome and looks the same age with my husband. (But my husband more handsome, lol)
American Consul: Good morning (smiling)
ME: Good Morning Sir (smiling back at him)
American Consul: What's your name?
ME: Dhazzel D. Silvaroli
American Consul: Raise your right hand and read the oath that posted on the right side of the window
ME: (I raised my hand then put it on the finger scanner)
American Consul: Raise your right hand and read the oath that posted on the right side of the window
ME: (This time, I heard him clear hahaha what a shame! Once again I raised my right hand and read the oaths posted)
After that he asked few questions:
American Consul: What's your husband do for a living?
ME: he's on SSI
American Consul: What is the disability?
ME: he has migraine, 15-20 days attacked but he's getting well lately
American Consul: Who will support you?
ME: My father-in-law and my mother-in-law
American Consul: What if they gone, who will support you?
ME: I can support myself. I can get a job!
American Consul: Okay place your right four finger on scanner.
ME: I put my right four fingers on scanner
American Consul: Okay. "For me all your documents are fine". I am giving this pamphlet to you, this is the information on the Legal Rights as immigrant once you come to US. You can have a seat and you will be called in different window.
ME: Thank you Sir.
I went outside again for same reason that chairs inside USEM are all occupied. But when I reached the chair my number suddenly flashed on screen I was wondering why but still not moving. It flashed over and over that my number was the only visible number on screen. Until I heard a voice calling my attention and mentioned my name on speaker. I run fast as I could and was worrying what's the problem. The young Filipina Pre Screneer said, Oh sorry but you need to pay the Visa Fee of 230$ (10, 350 php) in the second floor window 15. As I heard her, I was relieved. (I need to exit then enter the door 1 and get inside the elevator to bring me where the cashier is, 2nd floor.) After I paid the Visa Fee, I was seated in waiting area.
If you are wondering why I had payment made at USEM, its because my case was expedited and we SKIP NVC means OUR CASE was NO LONGER IN NVC (No need to submit the necessary documents and no need to make payments at NVC)
I had butterflies in my stomach. I was felt uneasy knowing some of my affidavit of support was returned to me. I was so nervous and I was whispering a prayer to God. After I prayed, I was a bit calmed knowing that God won't let me down and my confidence in God helps me felt better because I am assured that His favor was already given to me. I have met a lady there while waiting. (I forgot her name) She's a spousal visa applicant like me and her case was over a year now. She's undergone sputum/culture tests too. We had a short conversation that kills a bit the boredom. Finally, My number flashed again "6176 66". Step 3, Interview with American Consul. I thought to myself, This is it. The Moment of truth. (I was so nervous of all sudden) As I walked towards the window I was saying a prayers again. I reached window 66 where American Consul was waiting for me. He was handsome and looks the same age with my husband. (But my husband more handsome, lol)
American Consul: Good morning (smiling)
ME: Good Morning Sir (smiling back at him)
American Consul: What's your name?
ME: Dhazzel D. Silvaroli
American Consul: Raise your right hand and read the oath that posted on the right side of the window
ME: (I raised my hand then put it on the finger scanner)
American Consul: Raise your right hand and read the oath that posted on the right side of the window
ME: (This time, I heard him clear hahaha what a shame! Once again I raised my right hand and read the oaths posted)
After that he asked few questions:
American Consul: What's your husband do for a living?
ME: he's on SSI
American Consul: What is the disability?
ME: he has migraine, 15-20 days attacked but he's getting well lately
American Consul: Who will support you?
ME: My father-in-law and my mother-in-law
American Consul: What if they gone, who will support you?
ME: I can support myself. I can get a job!
American Consul: Okay place your right four finger on scanner.
ME: I put my right four fingers on scanner
American Consul: Okay. "For me all your documents are fine". I am giving this pamphlet to you, this is the information on the Legal Rights as immigrant once you come to US. You can have a seat and you will be called in different window.
ME: Thank you Sir.
*PHOTO above was the given pamphlet to me*
I got back at waiting area. I can't believed consul was didn't ask for any evidences or any documents and I was so shy to ask him if I was approved. So while sitting I was so nervous that I'll be getting 221g but at the same time feeling hopeful by the consul statement that according for him all my documents was okay. Another waiting time, it seems forever... At last my number was called at window 72 for releasing. As I approached the window I was a bit tensed. I get in line and I was in the last position. Then when its my turned the guy at the window 72 said, its break time! I thought he was joking but I noticed windows starting to closed. Then I showed him my number. He checked the folder and asked my name then wrote something on green small paper and said to me, Okay you can go now. I was so surprised. Is that all? Yes. I can't believed so I asked him again, you have nothing to give me? a piece of paper? how can I know when to pick up? He said 2go will send you a text message. Okay, that's all I want to hear. Then I heard the voice on speaker said that the operation will be resumed after lunch time at 1 o clock. Wow. I made it before the break time!
I WAS SO HAPPY going back to hotel. But I dropped by first at my agency office, RAPID VISA to delivered the good news. They asked If I wanted to call my husband in the US, I nodded and they called my husband and I was so excited to tell him the wonderful news. We had short conversation then RV took a picture of me to be posted on their page before I left. (See the pic below hehe)
When I got back in the hotel, I checked my visa status and it was ISSUED!
PRAISE GOD!I WAS SO HAPPY going back to hotel. But I dropped by first at my agency office, RAPID VISA to delivered the good news. They asked If I wanted to call my husband in the US, I nodded and they called my husband and I was so excited to tell him the wonderful news. We had short conversation then RV took a picture of me to be posted on their page before I left. (See the pic below hehe)
When I got back in the hotel, I checked my visa status and it was ISSUED!
*click for ENLARGE PHOTO*
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Hi everyone :) As I promised, Here's the PART 2 of my medical experience will be posted asap!
... But before that, if you haven't read yet the previous part of this blog, CLICK the link below for PART 1:
After the call I was so shaking and so teary. THANK GOD!!! ........I made a call immediately to my husband and deliver the good news. He was so happy!
APRIL 02, 2014. I got up early and so excited to go back at St. Lukes. I gave my receipt to the guard at the entrance. He stamped the back of my hand and instructed me to go to the room N. I was wondering why, because I was expecting to go to 2nd floor because the staff told me I am for immunization. I was so nervous and was trying to be positive. I gave my receipt to the lady at the room N. She said to wait outside. A few minutes she called my name and instructed me to go to 2nd floor. I was so relieved.
The guy nurse called me and asked some questions. Then he said I will getting 3 shots. When he was about to give me a shot, my file was appeared pending. OH MY! I thought to myself... This can't be! I was so really nervous! Then the guy nurse made a phone call. After a few minutes he got back to me and said to relax. Then he gave me 3 shots. Ouch...It was so painful! But I was so happy because I was done my vaccinations. The nurse instructed me to go to the ground floor at the releasing counter. Yehey! That means I PASSED MY MEDICAL!!!
The staff at the counter A called my name and asked me to sign the documents after that he said to me to wait again. Another long wait. At last the the staff at the counter B called me and gave me the CD of my medical with the vaccinations shots list. He told me to go at counter D for the new schedule of my interview. I asked him if I am allowed to make a schedule appointment of my own. He said yes, but asked me, are you really sure? I was undecided so I asked him the available dates and asked again if he could wait for awhile because I would want to ask my husband about it. He said okay. My husband said to me to grab the date. Then after that I was proceed to counter D. My interview date, is May 8, 2014.
* Medical Fees effective October 1, 2016.
... But before that, if you haven't read yet the previous part of this blog, CLICK the link below for PART 1:
....While sitting, I was still can’t stop crying. I sent messages to my husband telling the bad news... and he was frustrated too! :(
My husband was very upset and mad at St.Lukes after hearing the bad news. Yes, I was frustrated and upset but not really mad, just disappointed because the St. Lukes doesn't recognized the last X-ray and medical records I submitted to them. After a long cry, I told my husband not to get mad and just accept the fact that I need to undergo sputum tests...
Do you think I failed my medical exam at St. Lukes???... oh NO!... not yet!
My husband told me, he was so sad about the delay because that means we will missed to celebrate together our first year anniversary as being husband and wife. I said to him, I felt the same way but I have no choice but to follow the rules.
I don't understand why God let these things happen but I trust His will because I know His plans are always for the best. There's a reason for this delay, I am sure.
In the morning, I received a message from my husband saying he was going to visit me. I was so happy! It was unexpected... YAHOO... I was very excited :)
As instructed, I need to go to St. Lukes around 6:00-8:00 A.M. for 3 days with empty stomach. Strictly NO BREAKFAST, NO LIPSTICK! But allowed to drink water and of course can eat breakfast after the sputum collection.
I arrived at St. Lukes around 6:30 AM. I approached the guard and give him the yellow paper but he didn't get it instead the guard direct me to go on the left side of the building. There's a guard standing wearing a mask and asked me if I was for sputum. I said yes, then he gave me a mask and number then instructed to have a seat and wait for awhile. I am not alone there, we are 5 sitting on the chair. After a few minutes the guard said to follow him. We got inside the ground floor using the back door and got inside the big elevator (we are all wearing mask) We dropped off first at 4th floor where many others are waiting for their number to be called. My number was 45 and I waited half an hour to be called.
When its my turned, We got inside elevator again and headed to the roof top of the building. There are many applicants sitting inside the cubicle trying to cough hard to get their phlegm. The attendant started calling out numbers again, and when its my turn she asked my name then handed me a container with my name written on it.
She instructed me to go inside the cubicle but before that she gave me water to gurgle first. (I brought an empty bottle) I need to cough deeply to spit a phlegm but it was so hard. I felt vomiting when I was trying to force myself to cough though I actually don't have cough. One more thing, hearing and seeing those other applicants coughing added a bad feeling to me. My throat was all sore. I was worried when I looked at my container there was a blood on it. The attendant came on my cubicle and checked if i am splitting saliva or phlegm then after awhile she said that I was done. She also said to come back next day at the same time.
The SAME procedure was happening on my second day. Good thing I had cold that day. It was so easy to get my phlegm. And I checked on it, no blood. I was so REALLY happy. ^_____*
I got up early and the same procedure was happening on my third day. I had a cold still that day. It took just a 5 minutes to get my phlegm. Of course no blood. I felt great that day!
After the third sputum, the attendant gave me a piece of paper with the time and date to go back for the result. She instructed me to go back in the given time at 2nd floor, Pulmonary Evaluation. (after 5 days)
In a few days after my sputum tests, My husband has arrived in the Philippines. I am not going to be detailed about his visit but I was so very happy of course.
February 05, 2014 was the given date to me to go back at St. Lukes for the result of my sputum tests. I went there together with my husband. The guard wasn't allowed him to enter inside. I was so disappointed. But I talked to the one guy and told about the condition of my husband. I said to him, he can't stay outside because he was so weak. They let him inside but not allowed to go with me on the 2nd floor. That was fine.
I waited for hours before my number was being called. The doctor explained and showed me my Chest X-ray result. She said they saw some abnormalities that's why I undergone sputum tests. She told me that my 3 sputum tests are all negative. Hooray! I was so happy hearing it. But, she also told me that they will need to culture it for 2 months. She asked about my medical records, I showed it to her but she didn't accept it. The Doctor requested another medical records with the format she gave me. She said that I could send it via courier.
Before leaving the building, the attendant gave me a piece of paper with the date and time to call them for the result. She said if there was NO call from them that means the medical was fine.
Almost everyday I felt nervous every time my phone rang I was so tense and was so worried. I kept checking my phone if there was a missed call. My friend at Facebook told me that I could make a call a day or two before the given date. (her name was Cherryl Ontoc). 7 weeks and 3 days I called the St. Lukes, I felt my heart was beating so fast. There was no answer. The line was so busy. I tried many times until I got to talked to the staff of St. Lukes. I asked her if my medical result was ready. She asked for my PDS number first then mentioned my surname. After awhile she said, For immunization. She gave me a date to go back and instructed me to bring my passport, visa size photos and payment for pregnancy test. (Payment of 450 PESOS)

I waited for hours again before my name was called. The doctor instructed me to go to 5th floor to pay the pregnancy test at the cashier (amount of 450 pesos) and go to 4th floor to repeat the urine test. After that I need to go back to 2nd floor. I waited again for my name to be called. After one hour, my name was called to go to Immunization room. Inside the Immunization room, there was a crying 8 years old boy. He doesn't want to have vaccinations. When I saw the injections I was so really tensed.

The staff at the counter A called my name and asked me to sign the documents after that he said to me to wait again. Another long wait. At last the the staff at the counter B called me and gave me the CD of my medical with the vaccinations shots list. He told me to go at counter D for the new schedule of my interview. I asked him if I am allowed to make a schedule appointment of my own. He said yes, but asked me, are you really sure? I was undecided so I asked him the available dates and asked again if he could wait for awhile because I would want to ask my husband about it. He said okay. My husband said to me to grab the date. Then after that I was proceed to counter D. My interview date, is May 8, 2014.
- Physical Examination - Required for all applicants, regardless of age
- Tuberculin Skin Test - Required for applicants 2-14 years of age
- Chest X-ray (CXR) - Required for all adult applicants aged 15 and above, or children who had exposure to TB Cases or history of TB disease
- Syphilis Test - Required for applicants 15 years old and above
Important Reminders
- All visa applicants 15 years old and above, male or female, are required to have chest x-ray to immigrate. Pregnant women will have proper shielding as a precautionary measure of radiation hazards. Pregnant applicants may have an option to defer medical examination including chest x-ray until delivery.
Age | Price |
15 years and older | PhP 16,042.50 |
less than 15 years old | PhP 8,600.00 |
- The Medical Examination fee is inclusive of vaccines.
- Inter-specialty consultations within the clinic (adult cardiology, adult infectious diseases, adult and pediatric pulmonology, adult and pediatric radiology, pediatric allergology, general pediatrics, general surgery, OBGYN, ENT, gastroenterology, oncology, endocrinology, nephrology, hematology, rheumatology and pathology) are performed free of charge. However, psychiatric evaluations shall be charged separately, with expenses to be paid by the applicant.
- Referrals to sub-specialty clinics outside of St. Luke's Extension Clinic (e.g. neuro-developmental pediatrician, psychologist, dermatologist, interventional cardiologist and radiologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) shall be charged separately, with expenses to be paid by the applicant.
- St. Luke's Medical Center Extension Clinic does not accept cheque or credit card payments.
**********THE END*********
BUT Don't worry, I will write again about my interview experience for CR-1 Visa Category at Us Embassy soon :)
Saturday, April 12, 2014
*NOTE: LINKS & Requirements are UPDATED Version as of 2016*
Hi everyone, I am back! I want to share my medical experience at St. Luke’s Medical Center - Extension Clinic, Ermita Manila.
I am very detailed and if you don't want a long blog this is not for you. PS. I am not a writer so please forgive me for the wrong grammar and my English :))

During my visit they told me it’s
their first time to handle a case like us. (Our petition was expedited at USCIS
and NVC) That means we skip NVC stage and our case directly routed at USEM. I
told them, I have a friend on Facebook that same case like mine and she shared with
me what’s next to do. So, they let me use their office telephone and I’d set
appointment date at USEM via call center. After setting up my interview date, they
assisted me also in setting appointment at SLEC then filled up DS 260 online, and in just a
few minutes it’s all done. Of course they gave me printed copies and rearranged of what I
should bring.
Required Documents to
- Valid passport
- 1 photocopy of Passport Biographic/Data Page, the page in the passport that contains the applicant's photo and information. Photocopy on short bond paper. Passport photocopy should be the same size as the original, not enlarged or reduced.
- 4 pieces recent 2"x2" visa photos (see visa photo guide ), 3 for submission to the U.S. Embassy, 1 for clinic file. ALL PHOTOS MUST BE IDENTICAL. Write the applicant's complete name at the back of each photo.
The US Embassy requires you to bring the 2x2 photos for your visa issuance. We regret not to release the medical report until such time that you can provide this requirement. - Interview letter from the National Visa Center (NVC) or Visa Interview Appxointment Confirmation from the Embassy
- Principal Applicant - original & 1 photocopy
- Derivatives - 1 photocopy each
- For applicants who registered online, 1 copy of the online registration confirmation form
- Applicants who did not register online are required to provide the name, address (include city, state, and zip code), contact number, and email address of their petitioner in the U.S.A.
- Minors (17 years old and below) must be accompanied by their parent or by a legal guardian who has thorough knowledge of the child's medical history.The parent or legal guardian must present a government issued ID (original and 2 photocopies)In case the companion is not the legal guardian, the following documents must be presented:
- Letter of Authorization or Special power of attorney stating that the companion is authorized to sign on behalf of the parent
- 2 photocopies of the Parent's government issued ID
- Authorized companion's government issued ID, original and 2 photocopies
- Regardless of current marital status, applicants who have had previous marriages that were nullified through annulment are required to present the annulment papers (court decision) before their medical report can be completed.
- Additional documents that you may bring, if applicable
- Valid passport
- 1 photocopy of Passport Biographic/Data Page, the page in the passport that contains the applicant's photo and information. Photocopy on short bond paper. Passport photocopy should be the same size as the original, not enlarged or reduced.
- 4 pieces recent 2"x2" visa photos (see visa photo guide), 3 for submission to the U.S. Embassy, 1 for clinic file. ALL PHOTOS MUST BE IDENTICAL. Write the applicant's complete name at the back of each photo.
The US Embassy requires you to bring the 2x2 photos for your visa issuance. We regret not to release the medical report until such time that you can provide this requirement. - Letter with Case Number
- Principal Applicant - original & 1 photocopy
- Derivatives - 1 photocopy each
If Letter of Case Number was received via email, print 2 copies for the principal applicant and 1 copies for each derivative. - Visa Interview Appointment Confirmation from the U.S. Embassy , if available
- Principal Applicant - original & 2 photocopies
- Derivatives - 1 photocopy each
- For applicants who registered online, 1 copy of the online registration confirmation form
- Applicants who did not register online are required to provide the name, address (include city, state, and zip code), contact number, and email address of their petitioner in the U.S.A.
- Minors (17 years old and below) must be accompanied by their parent or by a legal guardian who has thorough knowledge of the child's medical history.The parent or legal guardian must present a government issued ID (original and 2 photocopies)In case the companion is not the legal guardian, the following documents must be presented:
- Letter of Authorization or Special power of attorney stating that the companion is authorized to sign on behalf of the parent
- 2 photocopies of the Parent's government issued ID
- Authorized companion's government issued ID, original and 2 photocopies
- Regardless of current marital status, applicants who have had previous marriages that were nullified through annulment are required to present the annulment papers (court decision) before their medical report can be completed.
- Additional documents that you may bring, if applicable
Tuesday, January 21, 2014. I got up about 4:00 o’clock in the morning. Took a bath and prepared myself. Finished about 30 minutes and just arrived at St. Lukes exactly 5 am. There’s no long line so I think to myself, yay I am so early but I was surprised when I saw there’s a lot of people waiting inside. The guard checked all my requirements, gave me a number (oh its 43) and stamped the back of my hand before he let me inside. I took a seat and texted my Facebook friend, Gel Colors asking where she is. She’s sitting in front and there’s a vacant seat next to her so I occupied it. I haven’t had breakfast yet so I ask her to look for my chair while I’m outside to eat. Good thing there’s a Carinderia right across the street.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014. I got up about 4:00 o’clock in the morning. Took a bath and prepared myself. Finished about 30 minutes and just arrived at St. Lukes exactly 5 am. There’s no long line so I think to myself, yay I am so early but I was surprised when I saw there’s a lot of people waiting inside. The guard checked all my requirements, gave me a number (oh its 43) and stamped the back of my hand before he let me inside. I took a seat and texted my Facebook friend, Gel Colors asking where she is. She’s sitting in front and there’s a vacant seat next to her so I occupied it. I haven’t had breakfast yet so I ask her to look for my chair while I’m outside to eat. Good thing there’s a Carinderia right across the street.
Around 6am, Staff at St.Lukes started
calling out numbers by category to line up for US Reception area. They separate
the senior citizen, online applicants, and walk-in applicants. When it was my
turn, the guard checked my requirements and instructed to go to window counter D.
I presented the documents to the staff then after basic interview at
registration counter, he instructed me to go to the 5th floor to pay
the medical fee at the cashier which $223 that time (cost Php 10, 024.00 *Note: Payment
should be in Philippine currency) When its paid, the cashier instructed me to
go to 3rd floor for my Chest X-ray.
I was so nervous because I had PTB
before (but been medicated for 6 months) so they’ll surely see the PTB Scar. I
gave my passport and receipt to the attendant then she gave me the form needed to
be filled up. She asks me the first and last day of my menstruation and told me
to wait for my name to be called. When my name was called, I went inside the
change room and immediately take off my blouse and used the laboratory gown. (You
need to tie your hair up and no jewelleries). Well, I’ve been drinking sterilized
milk for a week believing it helps not to find any scar on my chest. My sister’s
advise me about it, hoping that’s true.
After my Chest X-ray, I was then
instructed to go to 4th floor for the urine (pregnancy test) and
blood test. I gave my passport and receipt again to the attendant and she
instructed me as usual to wait for my name to be called. When my name was
called, I went inside the room for my blood test, I saw injections. Aww! I was
so little nervous and so scared of the needle. The nurse said to me to relax and
be calm. When she inject me, I was not looking at the injection instead I
closed my eyes then suddenly it’s done. After that the attendant gave me a
small cup for my urine collection and instructed me how much I needed to put on
Then after blood and urine test, I was
instructed again to go to 5th floor for vital signs, height, weight,
and eyes test. The nurse took my BP and she said I am low blood. After that she
instructed me to go inside the Visual room. They measured my height and weight
first then cover my one eye and ask me to read the letters they’re pointing at
me. Then I was instructed to go to 2nd floor for Immunization Interview.
It was a long wait until my name was called. The Doctor asked me if I ever had chicken pox. I said yes but she wants me to show her my scar but I can’t find any. She asked if I ever had sickness before, and I told her the truth that I had PTB but already cleared from it. She asks for my medical records and my previous X-ray. She encodes something on the computer and gets it back to me. She said I’ll be getting 3 shots. Then she instructed me to go back to 5th floor again for Physical Exam.
At 5th floor the guard told me to wait for my name to be called. It’s another long wait. I seated there almost 30 minutes and I was so anxious. At last my name was called and I was given a number 6 and waited for my turn. The Doctor was so serious. She interviewed me very quick. She asked lots of health questions and after that she asked me to undress, and wear a patience gown. She instructed me to lie down on the bed and she started examining my ears, neck and breasts. She continued examines my body and I was so embarrassed but no choice but go with the flow and let her do her job.
It was a long wait until my name was called. The Doctor asked me if I ever had chicken pox. I said yes but she wants me to show her my scar but I can’t find any. She asked if I ever had sickness before, and I told her the truth that I had PTB but already cleared from it. She asks for my medical records and my previous X-ray. She encodes something on the computer and gets it back to me. She said I’ll be getting 3 shots. Then she instructed me to go back to 5th floor again for Physical Exam.
At 5th floor the guard told me to wait for my name to be called. It’s another long wait. I seated there almost 30 minutes and I was so anxious. At last my name was called and I was given a number 6 and waited for my turn. The Doctor was so serious. She interviewed me very quick. She asked lots of health questions and after that she asked me to undress, and wear a patience gown. She instructed me to lie down on the bed and she started examining my ears, neck and breasts. She continued examines my body and I was so embarrassed but no choice but go with the flow and let her do her job.
Then after a few minutes
she instructed me to go to checkout counter at 3rd floor. It was
10:45 am. I gave my receipt to the counter and the lady at the counter asks me
if I could wait for the result or want to go back next day. I said I’m going to
wait. She said to go back at 2:30 pm. I still have more than 3 hours need to consume
so I went outside the St. Lukes and right across the street there’s an internet
cafe. I’ve rented computer to chat with my husband. After talking to
him, I walked a few steps away to Mc Donald to take lunch. I was very hungry at
the same time nervous for the result.
2:15 pm I got back at St. Lukes and was
headed straight to 3rd floor. My name was called and the lady instructed
me to go to 4th floor. I was so really nervous and so anxious
because I am expecting to be instructed to go at 2nd floor. But I am
still hoping that I’ll skip the sputum tests. I waited for about half an hour
until my name was called together with other applicants. The attendant said, they
saw something on our X-ray and we need to undergo sputum tests.
I WAS SO REALLY SAD. My eyes were teary
but I’m doing all my best to hide my tears and not to cry in front of the lady.
I asked her what’s the exactly diagnosed but she won’t tell me. She said
something I don’t understand and instructed me that I need to cancel my
appointment right away. She gave me the yellow paper with the schedule date of
sputum tests (January 28, 29, 30). She explained the procedures, what to bring and
not to do for my sputum tests. Its 3 consecutive days and I should not eat
breakfast nor wear lipstick. After sputum tests or smear tests, they will
culture it for 2 months. After giving instructions she told me that I can now
go home.
My mind was so occupied while walking
down the street. I was so upset and frustrated. I can’t stop the tears that
flows from my eyes. I don’t care what other people would think of me. I was so
felt down that time and I wanted to cry out loud. I dropped by at Robinson’s
mall and find myself a seat at Food court. While sitting, I was still can’t
stop crying. I sent messages to my husband telling the bad news... he was
frustrated too! :(
To be continued!
............PART 2 will be posted soon...... WATCH OUT! God bless :)
............PART 2 will be posted soon...... WATCH OUT! God bless :)
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